
洞石 is a highly durable sedimentary natural stone that has been used for hundreds of years. 户外洞石瓷砖

在意大利罗马斗兽场作为佐证天然石材的耐久性. 然而, 它的名气并不局限于此; 它以其颜色和色调的多样性而闻名.


If you are looking to renovate your walkaway or install new material for your patio, 你应该选择石灰华天然石材. it is an ideal choice to bring luxury and warmth together in your outdoor space.

毫无疑问, all these features serve as a great investment in your house. 首先, its elegance and beauty can bring a classic look to your environment that never goes out of style. 其次也是最重要的, it can last a lifetime which means it won’t crack or erode over time. 最重要的是, 成为大自然的一部分, travertine is affordable, especially in the long run so you won’t need to install new stone. now the question arises what are the best outdoor uses of travertine? Here you can find some of the best applications of travertine in the outdoor area. 户外洞石瓷砖.


  • 石灰华摊铺机 (户外洞石瓷砖)

You can change the whole look of your space by using travertine in a variety of thicknesses as pavers to design your patio, 车道, and walk away. 为您的走道和露台使用不同颜色和大小的特定图案也可以为您的空间带来视觉美感和趣味. 户外洞石瓷砖

  • 挡土墙

If you wish to renovate a retaining wall, you’d better use travertine as each tile has a different shade and color from its vicinity, it can appeal to homeowners especially those who are looking for warm-colored retaining walls. 取决于所用石灰华瓷砖的类型, 光滑, 可以创建现代墙壁或质朴和风化的墙壁. 选择磨光和填充的石灰华瓷砖以获得更现代的外观,或选择滚花瓷砖以获得更质朴的饰面.

  • 楼梯踏板

Renovating the front of stair treats with travertine tile can complete the beauty of your house, especially by using a shade and finishes that match other stones used elsewhere outdoors. 它的耐用性和美丽使这种石头成为楼梯的理想选择. 如果也覆盖台阶的胎面, consider using a more rustic finish to help give a better grip underfoot when the stairs are wet. 石灰华也可用于装饰, engraved, and stained tiles, 它可以为通往家庭或花园的台阶增添装饰元素. 户外洞石瓷砖

虽然石头是许多人的最爱, it does have its vulnerabilities if you have travertine in your yard or are considering using it when landscaping, here are some points you need to know to maintain it carefully.

The first thing you need to consider is that it may be among the hardest stones, but it is a natural material that can be etched by heavy furnishers and stained by acidic liquid i.e. 苛刻的清洁剂, 咖啡, and wine. 第二, in order to not be damaged, 最好保持清洁并定期清扫石灰华. But remember not to drag a heavy vacuum on its surface to clean debris and dust. It is better to use a handheld vacuum. 用水冲洗石头以去除多余的污垢和碎屑. 清洁不定期维护的石灰华, use a pressurized water hose to remove caked-on dirt.

Even the toughest material needs special and additional protection and it is a good idea to seal your outdoor travertine to keep it protected. There are three main types of sealers and the type of sealing you choose is directly related to the look of the stone you wish to achieve. If you want to enhance the beauty and natural color of travertine yet protect your stone, 你需要使用“增强石材密封剂”. The second method is “Impregnating sealers”, 不仅提升了天然石材的颜色, but it also can deposit solid material in its pores to increase its durability. It is a great way to ensure that this material would last a lifetime. Eventually, “topical glossy sealers” can give a shimmering appearance to your travertine. The advantage of using this sealer for outdoor is that it can prevent fading away the color of your tile.

把它包起来, 如果您真的想为您的户外区域提供美学观点,您最好选择合适的石灰华. 虽然它可以搭配任何装饰, 您可以在数百种颜色和色调中选择您最喜欢的颜色. 它让房主决定他们想要采取的大小和尺寸. If you require further information, you can ask our natural stone professional.


