أخي أونيكس

Iran's stone export share of the world market

Iran’s stone export share is half percent of the world market.


The secretary of the Iran Stone Association claimed that the high price of transportation with the increase of production side costs has taken away the power of competition in the international arena from the country’s stone industry to the point where we only have a share of less than half a percent of the world markets. According to Chabak Online, Zeba Yazdani, the secretary of the Iran Stone Association, in a conversation with Chabak Online, stated: If long-term vision or decisions are not made for the stone industry, a good future cannot be imagined for it. حصة صادرات الحجر الإيراني في السوق العالمية

مناجم الحجر الطبيعي الإيراني , مقلع & الشركات المصنعة

Kurdish, because this industry plays an important role in job creation. أضاف: “Stone is not a strategic product and the taste of the market determines what kind of stone has customers in the market during a certain period of time, and the planning for use in the stone market is determined by architects and builders, مما يعني أنهم يتحكمون فعليًا في إيقاع السوق.” They define He admitted: تسببت الزيادة المفرطة في الرسوم الحكومية في السنوات الأخيرة في حدوث مشكلات لمناجم الحجر, والتي هي في الغالب مناجم صغيرة الحجم, وتم إجراء هذه المشكلات دون مراعاة الخصائص المحددة لكل منجم حجري. وأضاف اليزداني: الحالات الصعبة من

صناعة الحجر

تسبب في مشاكل, while other countries are producing with the latest technology in the world. The secretary of the Iran Stone Association said: أدى انقطاع التيار الكهربائي في المدن الصناعية خلال ذروة العمل إلى انخفاض قيمة الأجهزة, besides the fact that the stone production process itself also has problems. He said: وتجدر الإشارة إلى أن الحجر الذي يمكن نقله من المنجم إلى السوق ليس منتجا خاما, لكنه مضى 50% من عملية الإنتاج, وهو ما يسمى كتلة, كوب الحجر أو الذروة, والمعالجة في المصانع هي السمة الوحيدة. Physical changes it in terms of size and dimensions. Yazdani continued: جميع الكتل التي يتم استخراجها من المنجم ليس لديها القدرة على التصدير بنفس السعر, وربما يتم استخراج كتلة واحدة فقط من كل كتلة. حصة صادرات الحجر الإيراني في السوق العالمية

have a special color and feature that can be exported. He said: إذا ركزنا فقط على تصدير المنتج النهائي المعالج والحجر ليس له مكان في التصدير, we have actually closed the window of opportunity. The secretary of the Iran Stone Association said: آلات المناجم الحجرية لا تعمل 24 ساعات يوميا مثل المناجم الأخرى, so overhauled machines with a lifespan of more than 5 years can also be used. وفقا له, the ministry has no support in the field of importing machinery and this industry uses old equipment to extract stone so that the production cycle does not fall asleep, but there are challenges from mining to the end of the chain, i.e. sales and export. Yazdani admitted: In the field of export, there is no uniform strategy and directives


Like export duties, it is imposed all at once, so the international customer prefers to supply his needs from stable supply goods, other stone substitute goods or even more reliable countries for large projects. He claimed that the high price of transportation with the increase in production side costs has reduced the strength of competition in the international arena from the country’s stone industry to the point where we have only less than half a percent of the global markets. The secretary of the Iran Stone Association said: Although we have a competitive advantage in the field of limestone, countries like Turkey have appropriated the region’s market because they designed the right market supply strategy. @chabokonline Iranian stone association channel @iranstoneassociation

حصة صادرات الحجر الإيراني في السوق العالمية

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